Outside of shadowing a few interviews roughly 80% of interviewers and hiring teams in organizations have never had proper training on effective interviewing and questioning techniques.
The disconnect is the success of any growing organization comes down to who you hire. Making great hires using a traditional interview process is as effective as flipping a coin.
And while Recruiters can benefit many aspects of an organization, the most successful ones make an impact that goes far beyond sourcing and pre-screening talent.
With the right skills and approach, you can quickly position yourself internally as the interview and selection expert by learning proven concepts and techniques that enable you to equip hiring managers and interviewers with what is required to make the right hiring decisions.
Brought to you by the Recruiters Network, this live recruiting webinar will be hosted on Thursday, August 29, 2019, at 11 am MT. Attendees of this webinar will learn:
Your host:
Your moderator:
Your panelists:
This webinar is produced by the Recruiters Network and sponsored by Glassdoor. Glassdoor combines all the latest jobs with millions of reviews and insights to make it easy for people to find a job that is uniquely right for them. For more information, visit glassdoor.com. Glassdoor® is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.
Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mvYWupYMSQe5BSm4zWYUXQ?utm_source=hrcolorado